The Feast of All Hallows

October 28, 2023

All Hallows Day or as we like to call it All Saints Day! I have fond memories of dressing up as an angel or one of my favourite saints for a party at our local church. We had plenty of party games and activities, I remember "Hallo on the saint"  being a particular favourite. 


What is All Saints Day?  

It is the day where traditionally people celebrated the lives of the saints. Saints is usually taken to mean those who have been canonised or formally recognised by the Church. However, the less common meaning and perhaps more accurate, is anyone who has died and gone to heaven or lived a "good" life, no matter their antecedents or whether they be a friend, relative, Christian or other. This is their feast day! 

However, this is not to be confused with the South American "Day of the Dead" or "Dia de los Muertos"- yes I had to look it up.  


The Day of the Dead 

A question I am frequently asked is what is the difference between All Saints Day and Day of the Dead and if they are the same thing? 

The answer to this is no. They are not. Although the intention is similar the origins are completely different. 

All Saints derives from the early church or christianity, whilst Day of the Dead come from the early civilisations of South America as a way of staying connected to those who had passed on, specifically their ancestors. 

Hopefully everyone has seen the movie "CoCo" by Pixar so I don't have to go into too much detail? Essentially the belief is that the dead return for two days (1st-2nd November) to spend time with their living family or relatives. There is a strong emphasis on family and preserving their memory. 


What is Halloween

Ok, obviously I am not just talking about children putting on costumes and going trick or treating. 

What I am talking about is the connection between All Hallows and how it came to be Halloween.  The origins (uk) date back to the Celtic festival of Samhain, which marked the end of spring and the beginning of winter. The Celts believed that on this day there was a strong connection between the world of the living and the world of the dead allowing spirts to travel from one to the other. 

It was common to make large bonfires to ward off evil spirits who would come and cause mischief. During the celebrations people would don masks and dance around the flames in order to protect themselves further. 

Now you understand where the costumes come from! 

They would leave food out for the spirts of their ancestors- or as we now call it, treats. 

So basically the children in their costumes are enacting the role of the spirits, being giving food offerings from people in their homes or by causing havoc. 

It is important to remember children, the good spirts were the ones who were given treats, whilst the bad spirits were given nothing for being bad. Something to think about!


All Hallows Today 

Today All Hallows is still celebrated by Christians, traditionaly on the 1st of November. We have big parties with our whole parish church. 

An interesting development has been children dressing up as their favourite saints so they can join in the fun of halloween- after all who doesn't like a reason to dress up?  The evening is usually rounded off with a small service or benediction with hymns being sung and everyone asking for the saints to pray for us. 

For me the best explanation I have ever heard for All Saints Day is: "It is the feast day celebrating the lives of everyone in heaven, both known and unknown so no one is forgotten." 


Whatever way you choose to mark or celebrate this day, we at Artists Cottages wish you all the best and happy feast day. 

And remember if you are ever in need of somewhere to ward off the cold winter nights, book your stay with us! 

(Photos from art exhibition in Beverly: Copyright Joanna Hardy: Dec 2022)