Make your booking

Please choose your venue


Please select your arrival date

< {{moment(activeDate).subtract('1','Month').format('MMM')}}{{moment(activeDate).format('MMM')}}{{moment(activeDate).add('1','Month').format('MMM')}} >

Past date






Starting at

£{{getRateCalendar(activeDate,day,'refundable')}} Nightly Rate

£{{getRateCalendar(activeDate,day,'nonRefundable')}} Non-Refundable Rate

Please select your last date at the property

< {{moment(activeDate).subtract('1','Month').format('MMM')}}{{moment(activeDate).format('MMM')}}{{moment(activeDate).add('1','Month').format('MMM')}} >

Arrival Date


Past date


Before arrival date


The minimum stay is {{user.selections[currentIndex].minDuration}} nights


The minimum stay is {{user.selections[currentIndex].venue.durations.default}} nights




Sorry, there's a reserved date in-between


£{{calcRateCalendar(activeDate,day,'refundable')}} Nightly Rate

£{{calcRateCalendar(activeDate,day,'nonRefundable')}} Non-Refundable Rate

Would you like any extras?



{{}} £{{parseFloat(selection.price)}}

Would you like to book another property?


Do you have a discount code?

If you have a discount code please enter it in the field below

What rate would you prefer?

Something went wrong

Unfortunately we could not process your payment, please try again

Please ensure all properties have booking dates to continue

Click on the venue that doesn't have dates and head to the calendar.

How would you like to pay?

Total to pay today: £{{chargeTotal}}

Your discount code was invalid, please head back to Rate & Discounts and try another code.

Discount code applied!

(Remaining balance to be paid before arrival: £{{(parseFloat(user.grandTotal)-parseFloat(chargeTotal)).toFixed(2)}})

* Please use a valid email address

Please complete your details before making a payment

Please read and agree to the check out procedure before making your booking

Congratulations, your booking is confirmed!


Arrival: {{moment(selection.arrivalDate).format('Do MMM')}}

Leave: {{moment(selection.endDate).format('Do MMM')}}

£{{user.selections[selectionIndex].priceWithAddons.refundable}} Nightly Rate

£{{user.selections[selectionIndex].priceWithAddons.nonRefundable}} Non-refundable Rate

£{{user.selections[selectionIndex].bookingPrice.refundable}} Nightly Rate

£{{user.selections[selectionIndex].bookingPrice.nonRefundable}} Non-refundable Rate