Blog & News

Harrogate Christmas Shop Window Competion 2019!

December 03, 2019

They came! They fought! They conquered!The Harrogate Christmas Shop Window has brought wonder and amazement to Harrogate for many years, and this year was no exception!The overall winners were Biljoul...

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Christmas in Harrogate 2019!

December 02, 2019

Everything you need to know about events in Harrogate this December 🙂5th of December: Country Living Christmas Fair6th of December: Gin to my Tonic Christmas Festival8th of December: Festive Lunch wi...

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Count down to Christmas Officaly begins!

December 01, 2019

December is here!Time to light the first candle on the advent wreath!Today is also your last chance the visit the Knitting and Stitching show at Harrogate international centre!So head down to Kingsroa...

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Count down to Christmas!

November 30, 2019

Christmas is less than one month away!Who’s excited?The adverts are in fall Christmas mode: Don’t buy that, Buy this! Children are the hardest people to buy presents for! Why should the big kids miss ...

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Knitting and Stitching Show Harrogate

November 29, 2019

Today is the second day of the Knitting and Stitching show in Harrogate.The event is taking place at the conference centre down Kingsroad until the 1st of December!Whilst you are there why not visit o...

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Dec John Barrowman – A Fabulous Christmas

November 28, 2019

You have seen him in Torchwood and Dr Who! You have heard him sing and help solve the problem of Maria.Now he is coming to perform in Harrogate International Centre on Friday 6th of December 2019!Get ...

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